Word about AI?

AI has become a fashionable buzz word as of lately, especially after popularization of ChatGPT. Nowadays ChatGPT is used for many things: students write papers using it, some developers write code and so on and so forth and most of attention concentrated on generative AI that uses Large Language Models. However AI is way broader and it's used in some capacity across almost every service, especially free services which mine users data for profit. Let's go through few steps that would help you protect your privacy.

Step 1: For ChatGTP or any other LLM based tool, disable chat history and opt-out of training on data you submit.

Step 2: Do not use any personal and sensitive information while using LLM based tools.

Step 3: Suspect deepfakes all the time and verify that you talking to some one you know through other means. Few seconds of your voice is often enough to synthesize your voice, and several stills often be enough to generate good model.

Step 4: Learn to cloak your images with tools like Fawkes

Step 5: Avoid uploading your images or videos, those can be used to identify your location, or for any type of facial recognition.

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