What about free stuff?

People are often looking for a deal, something that they can get for free. Unfortunately that does not exist in surveillance capitalism: if you are getting something for free often you are the product. Actually even if you are paying for it, you still might be a product.

Step 1: Never connect to free wifi. Free wifi often comes with lot's of "benefits", assume that every step is tracked and would be potentially monetized. Infrastructure that free wifi comes with might not be well maintained, thus susceptible to a take over by malicious actors. If you can avoid connecting to free wifi.

Step 2: Never charge your devices off of free USB power ports in public locations. It's easy for malicious actors to implant malware into "juice" stations, if you have to charge buy data blocker from some reputable brand.

Step 3: Avoid using free VPN service, if you can't and still want to use VPN find credible provider which has other means to profit from.

Step 4: Avoid free filesharing services and put your skeptical hat on when service that utilize infrastructure offered for free.

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