What's in your name?

We've been talking about protecting privacy a lot by now, so let's have some fun. There is a saying that in order to understand your enemy you have to be thinking like one. Today's exercise is going to be learning about what Internet knows about you.

Step 1: Search your name across major search engines, put your name in double quotes as it typically indicate exact search. Like "John Doe" for example.

Step 2: Go over Search result and see if you notice something you want to be private. See if that can be deleted, for instance it's been uploaded into public folder by you and got indexed by search engine.

Step 3: Go over tabs with Images and Videos and conclude same exercise.

Step 4: Utilize subcommand like "site:" on Google to limit result of your search and review results. For example: site: socialmedianetwork.blah "John Doe"

Step 5: Search for exposure of your email address in various breaches on Have I Been Pwned? website. Estimate what consequences this could bring and take appropriate actions.

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