Day 3: What about permissions?

These days everyone carries little tracking device, we all call smartphones. Every smartphone called that way because it carry many features and most of those features implemented through an app ecosystem. In other words we have lot's of apps installed on our smartphones to help us with different use cases and each app can access data that resides on smartphone. What data and system functions each app has access to defined through permissions that user granted. So let's go over app of these and disable unnecessary ones.

Step 1: Recap from Day 1. We were suppose to delete apps that we are not using. Remember each app can track your activities, even if you granted no permissions, for example let's imagine online store app by the fact that you are not using it(i.e. not running it in a foreground) it can deduce that you have not bought anything from their store, what does it tell about you? So now is a good time go over list of apps installed on your phone and remove ones that you do not need, you can always reinstall it back.

Step 2: Go over list of apps on your phone and review them for each app, use a critical lens during your review. Can app work without that permission? What can AI from behind that app deduce about your behavior from that particular permission. Here is the article that describes how to access such information for various platforms.

Step 3: Disable permissions that you deem excessive.

Step 4: Review privacy related permissions on your phone and prioritize keeping things private rather than getting "personalized" experience:link for Android devices and link for Apple devices

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